• Prendere il treno contando sui servizi di un aeroporto

    Accesso veloce, parcheggio facile e un moderno terminal a tua disposizione

Treni in partenza

Vlak Destination Scheduled
IC 588 Trieste Centrale 18:07
REG 23042 Portogruaro Caorle 18:10
REG 3571 Trieste Centrale 18:15
REG 1897 Villa Opicina 18:29
REG 3446 Venezia Santa Lucia 18:45

Treni in arrivo

Vlak Origin Scheduled
IC 588 Roma Termini 18:05
REG 23042 Trieste Centrale 18:09
REG 3571 Venezia Santa Lucia 18:14
REG 1897 Udine 18:28
REG 3446 Trieste Centrale 18:44

A Trieste Airport, ogni giorno:

  • 6 Frecce ad alta velocità

    sulla tratta Trieste – Venezia Mestre

  • 20 treni interregionali

    sulla tratta Trieste – Udine

    28 treni interregionali

    sulla tratta Trieste – Venezia

  • Treno MICOTRA

    sulla tratta Trieste – Udine – Villach

Trieste Airport:

  • Trains

    Every day 6 high-speed and 48 interregional trains, in addition to the MICOTRA train to and from Villach and 2 daily train connections to and from Ljubljana operated by Trenitalia and Slovenske Zelenice.

  • Car parks

    Long-term and short-term car parks for every need.

  • Bus

    Direct connections to all the main cities of Friuli and international destinations with Flixbus and Florentiabus.

  • Airport

    Our direct scheduled flights.