Airport services
Trieste Airport is closed to the public from 12:00 PM to 04.00 AM.
Opening times of the airport can change in case of flight delay
Moka Café - First floor, Land side
The main airport bar is located on the viewing terrace of the upper floor of the terminal: it is accessible – via escalator, stairs or lift - not only to passengers but also to all airport visitors.
Per informazioni:
Moka Café Gourmé - Air side

Moka Café Gourmé bar is available, for passengers only, after the security checkpoint, for a drink, a coffee or a quick snack before taking off.
daily, 2 hours before departing flights.
Per informazioni:
“Gusto” Restaurant - First floor, Land side
The “Gusto” self-service restaurant is located near the upper floor bar and, at lunch and dinner time, offers to airport guests and passengers a wide selection of hot and cold dishes up to the dessert.
daily at lunch from 12.00 to 14.30.
Closed for dinner.
Per informazioni:
Aelia Travel Retail shop
The travel shop "Aelia" and retail "Relay" offers the possibility to continue shopping after security checks.
The shop offers the possibility of purchasing perfumes, fashion accessories, spirits, wines, gadgets, souvenirs, food, books and newspapers etc.

Ticket Office
The IATA air ticket office of the airport can book and issue tickets to most of the worldwide destinations.
Daily, from 05.35 to 19.00 (the service, however, is also granted for all scheduled flights departing outside the usual opening hours of the counter)
Per informazioni:
ATM point
Land side, front of the escalator is available an ATM point of the Banca Popolare di Cividale to withdraw cash. The service is operational daily until the last flight from Trieste Airport.
Vending machines of snacks and drinks
Vending machines of snacks (sweet and salty) and drinks (hot and cold) are located throughout the terminal, both before and after the security chcekpoint.
"Flying Books" - Words with Wings
On the first floor of the terminal, there is a free book-sharing space promoted by Trieste Airport and the cultural association "Leali delle Notizie." It's a space where passengers and airport visitors can engage in reading volumes deposited and exchanged freely by others.

Self-Service Photo Booth
At the arrivals there is a self-service photo machine, for quick and cheap self-service portrait photos that can also be used on official documents.
Tourist information desk - Turismo FVG

Wi-Fi Internet
All the passenger terminal has a full WI-FI coverage, for fast wireless internet access. Free connectivity is granted to all Trieste Airport’s guests.